December 31, 2014
Tucker Community Foundation (TCF) Board of Directors approved fall grant awards totaling $101,500 at the October board meeting to benefit programs and projects throughout the region. The Grants Committee reviewed sixty eight applications requesting more than $488,000.
Tucker County towns, schools, youth groups, libraries, and other nonprofit organizations were among those receiving awards: Tucker County High School (TCHS) Outdoor Adventures Class recived $500 for supplies, $5,000 for the Life Skills Program, and $3,400 for the Art Dept. ceramics and printmaking class. Tucker Valley Elementary School received $3,000 for new track and field uniforms, $1,000 for balanced education balls, $2,000 for 3rd grade mapping and geography project, and $2,350 for band revitalization project.
The Town of Davis was awarded $2,000 for Tucker Boulder Park grant match and the Davis Renaissance Group received $2,000 for a community enhancement project. New Historic Thomas received $5,500 for a connector trail and $500 for Christmas decorations. The Town of Hendricks received $1,500 for their town park playground.
The Foundation of Mon General was awarded $2,000 for their annual Health Fair held in Tucker County.
Blackwater Ministerial Association received $6,000 for the food pantry; Helping Hand Food Pantry received $5,000 for the Campbell House. Tucker County Family Resource Network was awarded $4,500 for Backpack Buddies. The Parsons Ministerial Association received $3,500 for a utility assistance program and North Central WV Community Action received $5,000 for the Tucker County emergency assistance program.
A grant for $1,250 was awarded to ArtSpring for the AmeriCorps Member Match and MAPP grant match.
The Five Rivers Public Library received $1,000 for e-readers and chairs; Mountaintop Public Library received $450 for the Little Free Libraries program.
The 4-H Leaders Association received $2,400 for learning laboratory kits and $3,000 for 4-H Camp. The 4-H Junior Equestrian Team was awarded $4,200 for program support. Girl Scout Troup 4091 received $2,000 to supplement Thrill Seekers Adventure Camp scholarships.
Cortland Foundation received $4,500 for the dining room revitalization project and Tucker County Development Authority received $2,700 for office improvements.
Canaan Valley Fire Department received $900 for medical supplies and Tucker County EMS received $400 for training programs.
Grants to the WVU Foundation for the Children’s Vision program ($1,750), Central WV Center for Pregnancy Care (1,500), and Challenged Athletes of WV for adaptive ski equipment upgrades ($1,000) serve multiple counties that include Tucker, Barbour, Preston, Randolph and Pocahontas.
Awards to Barbour County included $2,000 to Belington Middle School for an art program, $500 for the 4-H National Land and Homestead Judging Contest, and $500 for the Family Resource Network Energy Express program.
In Randolph County, the Tygart Valley High School received $350 for music notation software and the Middle/High School Choir received $250 for microphones. The Randolph County Housing Authority received $2,500 for a sidewalk and safety project at North Elementary School. Harman Emergency Medical Services received $300 for operations, the Kump Educational Center received $1,300 for operations and Randolph County schools received $500 for youth ski activities.
Pocahontas County Senior Citizens received $3,000 for flooring in the Green Bank Senior Center.
Catholic Charities of West Virginia received $2,000 for the Wellness Works Food Pantry in Preston County.
Garrett County Memorial Hospital received $3,000 for a defibrillator initiative the Barn Quilt Association of Garrett County was awarded $3,500 for a major expansion of the Barn Quilt Trail.
Endowed funds providing support for these awards include the Dehari Fund, the Philip Warken Fund, Jim & Louise Cooper, Jr. Family Fund, Thompson Family Fund, George & Mariwyn Smith Fund, McClain Fund, Garrett “Dutch” Easton Fund, Woody Nestor Memorial Fund, Falling Green Fund, Sarah Thompson Kaemmerling Fund, Cortland Acres Association Fund, National Bank of Davis Fund, Rubenstein/Schilansky Fund, John & Catherine Swartz Fund, Fred Busk Fund, Carl DelSignore Fund, Kep & Alice Smith Fund, John Pill/Mt. Top Public Library Fund, Donaldson-Corey Fund, James D. Jordan Fund, P.J. Zickefoose Fund, Capt. Karl Patrik Youngblood Memorial Fund and Margaret Kump Roberts Fund.
The Foundation has a year round mini-grant program for projects needing $500 or less. Applications are available for download at Fall grant applications are available after August 1 and must be submitted by the 3rd Friday in September.
For more information on how to endow a fund, or apply for a grant, call 304-478-2930 or 304-259-5008.