Citizens Bank of WV representatives Rebecca Schoonover, Leesa Harris,and Nathaniel Bonnell
present a check for $1,000 to TCF Development Director, Diane Hinkle for Run For It 2015.
Teams raising the most money from Tucker and Randolph counties will benefit from new Run For It awards being offered by Citizens Bank of West Virginia. Citizens Bank is awarding $500 to the top team from each county based on their ability to raise team sponsor support during the campaign. More than $79,000 in race day awards will benefit nonprofit organizations, community projects, and other charitable causes. The race, hosted by Tucker Community Foundation, is scheduled for 11a, Saturday, September 26. Register for the 2k walk / 5k run held on the streets of Davis at or at the Davis Fire Hall Friday, September 25 from 5-7 pm, and race day morning before 9:30 am. The deadline to register a team is July 1. For more information visit or call 304.259.5008.