



          November 2013




To provide matching funding for the construction of a new library for the Mountaintop Library located currently in Thomas, WV.  This is a temporarily endowed fund that is intended to cease existence upon construction of the new library building.




The funds are to be dispersed by approval of the full Board of Directors of TCF.  These funds are intended as a match incentive to create additional donations from the general public.




If, in the judgment of the TCF Board of Directors, the restrictions and conditions of the fund become unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment or inconsistent with the charitable needs of the community, the TCF Board of Directors maintains the right to modify the terms of this fund.










The fund was established with a $15,000 donation by an anonymous donor.



As long time library supporters, we saw a need for a new, more attractive and up-to-date library than the current double wide that is Mountaintop Library today.

Why? First of all, for many parents the library is preschool education.  Every child entering elementary school should have a “fire burning in their belly” for learning and for learning to read.  What better resource than a library chock full of children’s books, computers for little fingers, and a spacious and inviting family reading room.

Second, there appears to be a great deal of community support and commitment.   And we believe that investments in libraries make good economic sense as library users hence, good readers are easier to educate, more likely to graduate from high school, complete post-secondary training programs or educational degrees and obtain full time employment.  They are more likely to become productive members of their community.

In addition a new and larger, updated facility would be an invaluable community resource, providing citizens with more computer terminals with high speed internet access, Wi-Fi and printing capabilities.  There would be additional space allotted for small group meetings, for tutoring, study groups and more.

Finally, Ivonne Martinez, the current librarian at Mountaintop is an ideal leader for this endeavor.  She has the training needed.  She is competent and has the energy required to raise funds, develop plans and follow through.


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