PURPOSE: To honor the memory of Dr. Randall Reed’s parents and to encourage education in agriculture.
DISTRIBUTION: An annual grant from TCF to WVU undergraduate students majoring in ag, sciences, ag. education, ag. engineering, and/or food sciences, with preference given to students residing in Tucker County, upon recommendation by the WVU School of Agriculture and approval by the full Board of Directors of TCF.
VARIANCE POWER: If, in the judgment of the TCF Board of Directors, the restrictions and conditions of the fund become unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment or inconsistent with the charitable needs of the community, the TCF Board of Directors maintains the right to modify the terms of this fund.
FUNDING: Donations of approximately $25,000 from Dr. Randall Reed.
BACKGROUND: This fund was established by the youngest son of Lindsey and Addie Reed, Dr. Randall Reed who stated “I think few parents have lived on so little in terms of tangible possessions, worked so hard and at the same time shared so much in terms of establishing basic values to help their children as they pursued their chosen careers. Regardless of how meager the income or how frugal we lived, there was no compromise in teaching the value of work and its rewards, individual self reliance, honesty and morality and help for neighbors whenever possible. The entire family is deeply indebted to our parents for any success we have accomplished or happiness that has come our way.”
Lindsey Reed (1884-1966) and Addie B. Yoakum (1882-1973) were married in 1908 and became parents of nine children. Mr. Reed was born and reared in Canaan Valley; Mrs. Reed came to Canaan Valley from Randolph County at a very early age. He purchased his first 30 acre tract in Canaan Valley in 1903 and continued purchasing farm land until he had 530 acres. The Canaan Valley State Park now owns a part of the original purchases were seven of the nine children were born. The property was operated as a family farm raising beef cattle, hay, sheep, and cereal grains for more than sixty years, until Mr. Reed’s death in ’66. Since that date, the Highland View Farm has been operated by the donor, Dr. Randall Reed.
Lindsey Reed enrolled in a veterinarian short course at WVU and was awarded a diploma in 1916. He was called on to treat a wide range of ailments in different species of farm animals and although his training and supplies were often inadequate, he was always willing to help friends and neighbors any way he could. He was awarded the 1945 Farming for Better Living Certificate of Merit by WVU Extension Service and later became chairman of the FFBL Council. He was a member of the Tucker County Court (’31-’33) and worked very hard for highway improvement and for the construction of Rt. 32 in the county. He was a trustee of Buena Methodist Church for many years.
Dr. Randall Reed graduated from Davis High School in 1939 and served in the US Navy during WWII. He enrolled in WVU in l946 where he received a Bachelor of Science degree(‘49) and a master of Science degree (’52). He earned a doctorate from Ohio State University in 1960, majoring in reproductive physiology and genetics. He served on the faculty of the Animal Science Dept. at WVU. At Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ, and at Ohio State University, Columbus, OH for the majority of his career – 27 years.
Dr. Reed provided leadership in the development and implementation of many extension educational programs throughout Ohio. He authored dozens of teaching aids, annual research reports, scientific publications and magazine articles. He is an honorary and professional member of several organizations. He was the first recipient of the Ohio Beef Industry Service Award. He has traveled and studied the agricultural industry in 17 foreign countries and 47 states. He states “The guidance, encouragement, and support from my parents are primarily responsible for any successes that I have accomplished. They especially emphasized the value of work and its rewards.” He and his wife, Margie Clinger Reed, a native of Ohio, currently reside at Highland View Farm, Freeland Rd, Canaan Valley. Dr. Reed served as a member of the TCF Board of Directors from 1997 – 2009.