PURPOSE: To provide scholarships for students who plan to follow a career in Rural Veterinary Medicine from Tucker and Preston Counties, West Virginia and Garrett County, Maryland.
DISTRIBUTION: To be awarded to an animal sciences and biology bachelor and/or veterinary majors from Tucker County, WV, Preston County, WV and Garrett County, MD. The person may be working towards a bachelors, masters or doctorate degree. Any person will be able to apply each year as financial need arises; non-discriminatory distribution. Scholarships will be awarded to students upon the recommendation of the Scholarship Committee and the approval of the TCEF Board of Directors based upon need and the expression of candidate interest in pursuing rural veterinary practice. (The Board may use applications and point structure in picking a recipient).
VARIANCE POWER: If, in the judgment of the TCF Board of Directors, the restrictions and conditions of the fund become unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment or inconsistent with the charitable needs of the community, the TCF Board of Directors maintains the right to modify the terms of this fund. TCF has exclusive legal control over any contributed assets.
FUNDING: Initial donations were accepted from individuals wishing to honor the career and contributions of Dr. Joyce Colbert and from institutions wishing to promote the development of increased veterinary resources in the rural areas of Tucker, Preston and Garrett Counties.
BACKGROUND: Dr. Joyce Colbert, DVM, (1959-2007)
Dr. Joyce Colbert, DVM, longtime resident of Deer Park MD, died on November 7, 2007. Born March 27, 1959 in Louisville KY, she was raised in Kentucky, Delaware, and Northern Ireland. With a passion for farm animals, she attended the School of Veterinary Medicine at Cornell University after graduating with honors from the University of Connecticut. She moved to Garrett County in the late 1980’s and established her own practice, Deer Park Veterinary Services. Dr. Colbert was a dedicated veterinarian to the livestock of the many farmers and ranchers of Garrett County Maryland and Preston County West Virginia. The fund is established in her honor and directed to building rural veterinary resources through promotion of production-animal veterinary education.