February 4, 2010

Press Release

Cortland Acres Fund

Shawn Nichols, representing Tucker Community Foundation, accepts a $10,000 contribution to establish an endowed fund from Beth Clevenger, Assistant Administrator for Cortland Acres Nursing Home. Also pictured is Anita Flanagan, (left) Director of Nursing Services and Don Black, (right) Administrator. 

Cortland Acres Establishes Fund

In the late 1960’s, the late Margaret Butcher, a former resident of Hendricks, WV had a vision for health care services in Tucker County.  She was passionate about the need for infrastructure in our local communities.  Ten years later, with the help of several prominent businessmen and members of the Tucker County Commission and Building Commission, she realized her dream when ground broke for Cortland Acres Nursing Home in nearby Thomas, WV.

 Flash forward 40 years, and today the Administration and Board of Directors of Cortland Acres Association are expanding the view shed.  With continued plans for progressive, dependable health care services, they have recently partnered with Tucker Community Foundation to establish the Cortland Acres Association Fund, an agency endowed fund that will provide perpetual funding for the organization.  Initial funding was donated by the Association.  The fund was formally approved by the Foundation Board of Directors at their January meeting.

“Cortland Acres Association is now 140 employees strong.  It has a reputation for excellence and it has provided a multitude of health services to thousands of area residents.  Thirty years of progress has touched many lives. We are proud to partner with the organization in this effort,” states Rob Burns, Executive Director of Tucker Community Foundation.    Donors wishing to make a contribution to the fund can do so by mailing a check made out to TCF – Cortland Acres, PO Box 491, Thomas, WV 26287.


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