Pioneer Memorial Public Library Fund

TYPE OF FUND:  Agency Endowed             DATE ESTABLISHED:  August 13, 2008 

PURPOSE: To provide funding for the Pioneer Memorial Public Library (PMPL) in Harman, WV. The principle in this fund is not permanently restricted.  At its discretion, the library board may request some or all of the principle. 

DISTRIBUTION: Upon request of the Pioneer Memorial Public Library, with approval from TCF, funds will be distributed to the Pioneer Memorial Public Library.

VARIANCE POWER: If, in the judgment of the TCF Board of Directors, the restrictions and conditions of the fund become unnecessary, incapable of fulfillment or inconsistent with the charitable needs of the community, the TCF Board of Directors maintains the right to modify the terms of this fund. TCF has exclusive legal control over any contributed assets.

FUNDING: The initial $16,250.21 to establish this fund came from the Pioneer Memorial Public Library and included the following:

  • Registration and sponsorship money raised by the PMPL’s participation in the TCF 2007 “Run for It” event.  [This included a donation of $5,000 given by Dr. Samuel Bucher in memory of his wife, Margaret Bucher, who had a special interest in the PMPL.]
  • Money raised by the Harman Community Educational Outreach Service’s (CEOS) participation in the “Run for It” event. [The Harman CEOS specified that half the money they raised, $330, was to be donated to the PMPL.]
  • Award money the PMPL received from the “Run for It” event. [The PMPL was awarded $5,000 for the team that raised the most money and $3,000 for the individual that raised the most money.] 

BACKGROUND:  The Pioneer Memorial Public Library is a small, rural library situated next to Harman School.  It serves Harman and the surrounding communities with outstanding service by maintaining a current collection of books and audio books, providing public internet access, and offering special community outreach programs.  Since the school does not have a library, the PMPL has provided that critical service to both students and teachers.  Classes visit the PMPL on a regular basis with the library staff offering instruction.